Family Day On The Farm
FAMILY DAY ON THE FARM, Port Deposit, MD, April 8, 2018– Freedom Hills Therapeutic Riding Program will be hosting our annual Family Day On The Farm, Sunday, May 6, from 1pm to 5pm at 33 Rolling Hills Ranch La, Port Deposit, MD. All are welcome to attend. Activities will include music by Nationally known gospel singer Dave Read, a live puppet show by Jack Foreacre, a former puppeteer for The Muppets, Pony Rides, Pony Grooming, Riding Demonstrations, Games for both children and adults, Face Painting, Hay Rides, Food, Vendors and Much More. Vendor Spaces are available.
Freedom Hills Therapeutic Riding Program welcomes anyone who happens to have a disability to come and enjoy the unique therapy of being with horses. We also offer volunteer opportunities and many fun events throughout the year such as The Freedom Cup Night at the Races, Christmas with the Ponies on the First Sunday of December. Check out our website at www.freedomhills.org. Rolling Hills Ranch offers “riding lesson for everyone” from beginners through advanced riders as well as a Bed and Breakfast check out our website at www.rollinghillsranch.org. For more information contact ReneeDixonat 410-378-3817or email fhtrp@freedomhills.org